• Trying to book last minute?   Appointments starting within the NEXT TWO HOURS will not be displayed. Give us call to check availability and book right away!
  • Looking for a Couples Massage? Simply book TWO massage appointments (one for each guest) at the same time and mention COUPLES in the COMMENT SECTION during booking.
  • Different Modalities : Please mention the TYPE OF SERVICE you would like in the COMMENT SECTION of booking. (I.e. Swedish massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Customized Facial, etc.). Not all therapists can perform all services so please be specific.
  • Looking to book a Spa Day Package?  Please Call us to book Spa day package as it requires to book more than one services.
  • Looking to book for a group or multiple people? All group bookings need to be scheduled directly over the phone as we will require 50%DEPOSIT (to use towards services) to hold the reservation.
  • $25 Deposit will be required to book any appointments.